Friday, January 15, 2016

Person goes on journey
The forest is a dangerous place, we know this, we went into it and we’re lucky we came back alive. We’ve seen what lurks around in there. The forest itself was creepy enough. It’s all dead and black. And in the winter it looks haunted. Our parents warned us not to go into the forest. Now we understand why.

My name is Clarrissa, but my friends call me clary. I am 16 years old. I have red hair, and hazel eyes. I have pale skin. I look nothing like my mother and nothing like my father, My mother has pale blond hair, my father has raven black hair. My mother has gray eyes, and my father has brown eyes. The only thing that I got from my mother was her nose. The only thing I got from my father was his smile. I’ve heard people say  look like my father but I have nothing from him. He has black hair, I have red. He has brown eyes I have hazel. I have heard people say I look like my mom. Same thing I look nothing like either of them.
Now I am going to tell you about the forest and our experience in it. The things we went through, the things that we have seen. So enjoy.

I woke up one morning, it was early. I went to my window and looked out side. It had been raining all night. It will be raining for a couple of days Which to be honest, I didn’t mind at all. I liked  rain, better than sun. The rain, to me, makes everything brighter. I love how when it rains it makes the tree leafs look more vibrant and more green, the same as it does with the wild grass. And on the rolling hills. It was beautiful.
I walked away from the window and went and got dressed into my hunting clothes. I grabbed my bow put on my boots and cloak and went outside to meet Hazel, Jace and Jonathan. When I got there I saw that Hazel was wearing her hunting clothes too. As well as her cloak. I loved the way Hazel looked. She had pale blond hair that hung past her shoulders. Her eyes were a light almost silvery shade of gray. She was pale like me. She was beautiful. Jace and Jonathan saw me coming and walked over to me. Jace and Jonathan were brothers. They both had black short hair. Deep blue eyes and had olive colored skin.
“Hey guys.” I said. “Do you have the tarps?”
“Yeah I made sure Jace put them in.”
“Okay good.”
When I got to the post where Hazel was standing I laid down the plan.
“So we go into the forest and see why they don’t want us going in there. Then we come back and say we went to the forest. There is nothing bad about it, and prove to them that there is nothing  about the forest that is dangerous in anyway shape or form.”
Hazel nodded and said “But first we go and get the things that we are gonna need. Like Jonathan and Jace, you are definitely going to want your cloaks. It’s gonna be raining for a couple of days so it’s going to get cold at night.”
They nodded. We went back to our houses and grabbed the things we need. When I got to my house both my parents were standing in the kitchen. My mother looked at me and said
“So where are you going?”
I looked at her then at my father, and watched as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
“Nowhere important.”
The saw me move towards the apples that I had picked a few days before. As a started shoving them into my bag she said to me “If it’s no where important then why do you need so many apples?” My mother said.
I looked at her and said, “Because I’m going with Hazel Jace and Jonathan. We all need food don’t we?”
She looked at me and looked at my father. Then he started talking.
“We know what you’re doing, and we’re not going to let you. You need to put those apples back and go to your room.”
I sat there and scowled at him. “I don’t understand. What’s so bad about the forest? It’s not like I’m going to get eaten, there is nothing in there I’m sure of it.”
My dad looked at me. “You are not going anywhere near that forest! You hear me? Now go to your room!”
“No! I’m going into that forest, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!”
I reached over and grabbed some bread and cheese. My father grabbed my wrist.
“I will stop you. You are not going into that forest! Not today not tomorrow not ever! Now do as I say and put the food back and go to your room!”
I looked and him and yanked my wrist back. His grip tightened around it. I looked at him and glared at him.
“Let me go!” I yanked my wrist back. I felt his grasp around my wrist leave. I turned and ran, grabbing my bow on the way out the door. I ran as fast as I could back to the post. I heard my dad shout after me
“Clarrissa! Get back here now!”
I turned to look and see him come out the door and start running after me. I turned and ran faster. Hazel, Jace, and Jonathan were all there waiting for me. They saw me and once I passed where we were supposed to meet they ran behind me. We turned to find the fence that was right outside the forest. We all ran as fast as we could. Once I got to the fence I put my hand on a post and pushed myself up and jumped over the fence. We ran into the forest, and disappeared into the tangled mess of the the trees. I heard my dad shout my name one more time. Then I was too far to hear him. I look back and all I see is trees. I start slowing down, then soon come to a stop. Jace leans on a tree, and looks around. I sit against a tree, and Jonathan and hazle sit against a rock. I look at them. Then at Jace.
That’s when we hear it. A strange noise. It didn’t sound like anything an animal would make. It sounded like half boar half bear. Of course I knew it couldn’t have been either of those because we had neither near our village. At all. We looked at each other than around. We all stood up.
“We should keep going. I’m sure it was nothing.” Said Jonathan. I nodded and we started walking again. We wandered into the forest farther. Then it starts raining heavier. I put up my hood and tie my cloak where the second tie was.
We walk a little more and the rain starts coming down heavier. “Let's just set up our little camp here for tonight.” I said. I point at Hazel and say “Go get some firewood. Jace and Jonathan will help me set up the tarps.” She nods then walks away, then we start setting up the tarps. Later that night, they ate and drifted off to sleep.
The next day I woke everyone up. I said “Hey guys come on we have more to go. I need help getting everything all packed up again.”
So everyone got up and we started wondering farther into the woods. I looked up and saw that it was still gray. I looked over at the trees. I thought to myself. I noticed how all the trees are all black. I started to wonder why.
After a while of being lost in my thoughts. We heard the strange noise again. It was much louder and closer than last time. It sounded more angry too. Then it came again. I looked at Jace, Jonathan, and Hazel. My eyes widened when we heard it again. Only it was a little more quiet. More calm. We looked around in front of us but we didn’t see anything. Then we heard a twig snap. We all jumped and turned around. That’s when we saw it. It was just standing there with it’s back to us. It had a black cloak on. It was all torn up, with long spikes coming from the tares. The spikes were all curved and had sharp points on the end of them. We started backing up slowly. That’s when it turned around. I gasped. It was now staring straight at us. I couldn’t see its face. But I saw it’s hands. They had long claws attached to the fingers. It’s hands were covered with fur. I couldn’t see it’s body. It stood there staring at us. For what seemed to be the longest time.
I looked over at Hazel, and she looked at me. When we looked back at the creature, it started to run after us. I screamed. We all turned and ran. We ran as fast as we could. I looked back at it. It wasn’t very far behind us. I noticed as it was running that it ran like a human did. I was able to get a look at part of its face. It looked like it had  the face of a boar.
I turned around and ran as fast as I could. Then I reached behind me and grabbed my bow and and arrow. I turned around and stopped dead in my tracks.
“Clary what are you doing!? Run!”
“No! I’m gonna kill this thing!”
I got into my stance and squinted. It ran straight towards me. When the time was right I released my bow and watched it go straight into the creature's chest. Once I saw it hit the ground I turned and ran as fast I could. The others followed behind me.
Later than night we set camp back up. We sit there in silence.
“That’s why our parents didn’t want us to come into the forest. Because of that creature.” Said Jace.
“Now I understand.” Hazel said. I looked at Jonathan.
“We’re going back to the village tomorrow. It’s not safe here. “
They look at me and then at each other. I knew they agreed. And I knew the wanted to go back, that they were scared. I was scared too. I never wanted to see that thing again. I knew we had to get out of their as soon as possible. I went to sleep.
The next morning I got up early. I went to the river that was right next to our tarps. I got some water and washed off my face, and got some water to put on the fire. As I was collecting water. I heard a twig snap, then felt a sharp pain in my back. I screamed in pain and turned around. I saw another creature. I screamed and it sliced my cheek with its claws. Then I put my arm up and it grabbed me, I looked and saw blood dripping from my wrist. The next thing I know I saw it fall. I scurried away from it and ran over to Hazel and Jace. They bandaged up my arm but they didn’t notice my back. We ran. We ran as fast as we could, and we ran for hours. We left the tarps and everything else, except for our bows. We didn’t stop to rest we just ran, all night. We heard creatures. So we hid. Behind trees and in the grass until one of us threw a stick from where we were and waited for it to hit the ground and get the things attention. When it ran over to the source of the noise that's when we ran more.
We got back to our village the next day. We jumped over the fence and saw our parents running towards us. I ran to hug my father and fell into his arms. He hugged me. Then looked at his hands. They had blood all over them from where the creature has scratched me. Then he looked from his hand to mine. He took me home and bandaged my wounds, after he cleaned them. Then my mother talked to me. She said
“Now you see why we told you not to go into the forest?”
I did know. Those creatures that were in there. I nodded.
“Those creatures could have killed you and your friends Clary. That was very dangerous. I’m so happy you’re okay though.”
“Thanks mom.” I smiled and went into my room and fell asleep. I drifted into my dreams and faded back into the forest. Back with those creatures. I was back at the river, but I was alone. The creature was behind me again. I turned around and that was the last of it.

I never went into the forest again, although I wondered what was on the other side of it. I wondered that a lot. But soon enough those memories faded away. And soon enough I completely forgot about it. The horrible experience that I had in there. I will tell my kids the same thing my parents did. Don’t go into the forest. Something awful lurks around in there. Something that will haunt you and your dreams. It is a dangerous place. Never go into the forest.